Where to download ejb3 persistence jar

Posted: Wed Apr 01, pm. Hibernate Annotations is distributed with the jar "ejb3-persistence. What is the license for this jar? Where does it come from? What exactly gives me any right to distribute the ejb3-persistence. I have searched high and low and cannot find the origin of the ejb3-persistence. Did a Hibernate Annotations developer just grab this from somewhere and throw it into the project? I have googled and researched other projects extensively.

Other projects point to Hibernate Annotations as the source of this. Yet it bears the restrictive SUN license within it. For instance, the following example shows that each record in the Customer table has one corresponding record in the Account table, multiple corresponding records in the Order table, and each record in the Employee table has multiple corresponding records in the Customer table.

The EntityManager transparently updates the underlying database tables in the process. The persistence. How do we configure the underlying object-relational-mapping engine and cache for better performance and trouble shooting? The jta-data-source points to the JNDI name of the database this persistence unit maps to. Since you might have multiple instances of persistence-unit defined in the same application, you typically need to explicitly tell the PersistenceContext annotation which unit you want to inject.

And it helps me to debug my code sometimes. I have found the version 1. The ejb3-persistence. The reference implementation is the one included with the Glassfish, I believe the one used in JBoss is the Hibernate implementation so you should be able to find the source code there. You are free to use the one whose license satisfies your need if you need to redistribute although I believe they are all redistributable. If all you're looking for is something to attach in eclipse, an SVN checkout should be all that you need, though I realise that this isn't exactly the answer you're looking for.

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