Where to find black coal in wizard 101

Wizard City Crafting Quest Crafting, uh! How do we begin? Quests required to get your first crafting badge:. What are those? About the author Latest posts.

Leave a Reply Cancel reply Your email address will not be published. Leave this field empty. You can find different reagents throughout the Spiral, either by harvesting them, defeating monsters, or purchasing them.

Certain reagents will be found in certain places: they all have their favorite environment. Mist Wood will generally be found in grassy areas next to some trees and Cat Tail will always be near water. Because Lava Lily is generally found in lava, it is most common in Dragonspyre.

You can start collecting reagents early, but be warned, this recipe will take a minimum of multiple days. Buying all that you need should only set you back 2, gold. Most of these are currently easy to find in the Bazaar. This one is incredibly plentiful in the Bazaar, but if you need to farm it elsewhere, you can farm this one in The Great Clock gauntlet pretty easily. You might already have all of these that you need, but if not, you can farm it at the right of the area in Mirkholm Keep, Grizzleheim.

Farm Loremaster. I can confirm that the TC drops from Loremaster. Check out our guide on Loremaster drops! Ask your friends who have the spell trained. If they got the spell from the pack, they might have some extra TC lying around.

This one might well be the hardest one in the list. Here are a few ways to farm it. Grab it from the ground in Mangrove Marsh, Azteca. You have been blocked from posting on these Message Boards. If you have questions about this block, please contact us at community kingsisle.

For all account questions and concerns, contact Customer Support. Where is saphire and black coal?! Author Message jlargo. I will be thank full. Hannah Lifebringer. Sapphire and Black Coal can be bought at any reagent vendor.


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