Who is giraffes enemies
Giraffes can. Giraffes are the tallest mammals. Their legs are 6 feet long and so are their necks. Wild giraffes live only in Africa , but you can see them at the zoo.
Giraffes have only two predators, besides humans , crocodiles and lions. Giraffes are most vulnerable when they are taking a drink at a watering hole. They have to spread their legs wide to lower their necks. In this awkward position, they are easy prey for predators. Usually one giraffe keeps watch while another one gets a drink. If a giraffe is attacked, it kicks its attacker with its long legs and sharp hooves. Question 1 : Why do Giraffes have such long eyelashes? Answer 1 : Giraffes have long, lush eyelashes to keep sand out of their eyes.
Scientific Name: Giraffa camelopardalis. Type: Mammals. Diet: Herbivore. Size: 14 to 19 feet. Weight: 1, to 2, pounds. Size relative to a 6-ft man:. Least Concern Extinct. Current Population Trend: Decreasing. This photo was submitted to Your Shot, our photo community on Instagram. Follow us on Instagram at natgeoyourshot or visit us at natgeo.
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They also try to attack when they are drinking so that their necks are at ground level. Small creatures also cause problems to giraffes. External and internal parasites cause them various diseases which affect their quality of life, further reducing their short life expectancy. Among the external parasites, there are about 15 types of ticks and fly larvae. Anthrax and rinderpest are diseases that not commonly or frequently attack them, but when an epizootic affect a population, some get temporarily blind and die.
For the giraffes, their risk does not end escaping from the dangerous animals, because their worst predators by far are humans.
The natives consider them a source of meat when others are scarce. They also believe that the tails of giraffes are good luck so that they try to get one. The human being is also considered a dangerous predator to giraffes. The populations living in the north have reduced their numbers dramatically for two main reasons: degradation of their natural habitat and poaching, which is the case in Kenya, Somalia, and Ethiopia, despite the fact that national parks are struggling to preserve them.
In some villages, those tails are used to create jewelry, collectibles for tourists, and even flyswatters for the huge mosquitoes out there. The coats are spectacular due to their thickness and the design of the different spots that each giraffe has. Also, many of these animals become nothing but the trophy of hunter that want to say they have killed an exotic animal. While most areas of Africa make it illegal to harm or to kill a giraffe due to their conservation status it occurs on a regular basis.
Villagers are desperate to make money so they will do what they can to survive. Rafferty, John. P