Who is the best futurama character

Hermes Conrad. Richard Nixon's Head. Robot Santa Claus. Tinny Tim. Bubblegum Tate. Reverend Lionel Preacherbot. Headless Body of Agnew. Turanga Morris. The Crushinator. However, he ranked lower due to not being as memorable. He was voiced by Frank Welker.

The proprietor and face of Momcorp the leading distributor of robots. Mom's commercial facade was that of a rosy-cheeked, warm, maternal figure. However, her true personality couldn't be further from the truth. Mom didn't see robots as more than expendable and held little regard for anyone besides herself.

Fans enjoyed Mom for her off-color remarks and repeated, synchronized smacking of her three adult sons.

Thus secured her the seventh spot. However, some found her to be too abrasive and had gotten away with too much with little retribution. She was voiced by Tress MacNeille. Morbo was the disgruntled, alien co-anchor of "Entertainment and Earth Invasion Tonite. Only to humor by ignorant, human co-anchor Linda Van Schoonhoven. Viewers enjoyed Morbo echoing his desire for human annihilation and expressed disdain for a variety of subjects; his wife, his children, humans, etc.

Despite Morbo's hilarity, he didn't rank higher due to being one-note. Maurice LaMarche provided Morbo's voice. Captain Zapp Brannigan revered across the galaxy for his"deeds" but in actuality, he was an incompetent, vapid, womanizer.

He's based on Captain James T. I really like Amy! Her dynamic with Leela is terrific and watching her humiliate her fashion sense was consistently funny, but she is the best when delivering sexual humor. Crazy and promiscuous, but a lot of fun too, Amy definitely deserves this high a spot.

Interestingly designed, he is a lovable, yet gross creature and the physical humor with him was some of the best slapstick that the series did. But I liked that he was an underdog too as everyone ridiculed him, but in a fun way. But he is quite possibly the most endearing character on the show. I rarely like protagonists in these comedy shows, but Fry is different because he is actually funny and entertaining. His relationship with Leela is so strong, but so are his interactions with everyone else.

Some of his lines can be quite funny and I admired his character the most because he is humorous, while also having a great personality and a very strong character arc. Zapp Brannigan. But regardless of that, he is amazing. Over-the-top and always full of himself, he provided the best sexual humor in the show. His pursuit of Leela always led to highly humorous episodes, his relationship with Kif was also great and he is just great all around being magnificently acted, depicted and actually quite original and highly memorable personality.

Professor Farnsworth. And the finest character of all Futurama characters has to be Professor Farnsworth and I do not get why other people do not share that opinion too. Fry: Hey Jumbo, how would you like it if Leela said you were sexy and she wanted to make love to you?

Teamster Guy: Eh, I gots five minutes. She looks pretty good for a truck stop chick. Fry: Take that back, she does not look good for a truck stop chick. Teamster Guy: Yea, you're right. She ain't gots enough meat for a guy like me. Fry: She does too. She's loaded with meat. She's got more meat than a cow. Morbo: "Morbo will now introduce tonight's Presidential candidates. Puny human number 1, puny human number 2, and Morbo's good friend Richard Nixon. How's the family?

Nixon is pro-war and pro-family! Slashcode Score: 5 , Funny. I suspect we're soon going to find out what the next version of Slashcode will be called Bender of course, but Zoidberg I voted for Bender of course, but Zoidberg has been the subject of much mirth recently. Zoidberg: This company's circling the drain, I tell you. I'd sell my stock right now for a sandwich. That guy: Sold! Zoidberg: A complete sandwich?

Ha ha ha ha. You got fleeced. I would have settled for a hard roll with ketchup inside. Zoidberg: Aha! Once again the conservative sandwich-heavy portfolio pays off for the hungry investor.

Re:Bender of course, but Zoidberg Score: 3. Bender is 1, but you are definitely right about Zoidberg. Usually his well-timed Curly Howard impression is enough to start the guffaws in my house. I think one of his funniest moments was in the ep where the crew visited undersea Atlanta. When the professor spilled fish attractant on himself, and Zoidberg started coming on to him with, "I am SO into you!

Why is Bender a choice? Score: 5 , Insightful. It should be: "Favorite Non-Bender Futurama charecter". He craps darkmatter, how cool is that? Back in the 2nd episode or so Fry : Why do you drink so much. Bender : The chemical energy keeps my fuel cells charged. Fry : What about the cigars. Bender : They make me look cool. Second Season Premier Bender : What are you doing with my head?

Professor : I need to tinker in it. Bender : Why don't you just use a potted plant like Fry? Bender: All this talk about balls is making me testy! One More Option Score: 4 , Insightful. Zap : All I asked of my men is their loyalty. If I had that, they could laying around in their underpants drinking beer. Bender : Beer? Fry : Underpants? Favorite Zap Branigan Quote Score: 2. From the "Amazon Women in the Mood" episode after much Snoo Snoo: "The spirit is willing, but the flesh is bruised and spongy.

For what? Score: 4 , Informative. They answer is CowboyNeal: All of the Above. Re:For what? And as usual for the slashdot crowd, you don't know what to do with a pretty girl. Leela, hands down Score: 2. The Call of Zoidberg Score: 4 , Funny. When you want real evil you want Zoidberg. Worship the might Cthulu Leela, all the way Score: 3 , Insightful. Re:Leela, all the way Score: 5 , Funny. You've been in deep space, way to long, when you start fancing cartoon women: Lister: D'ya think Wilma's sexy?

Cat: Wilma Flintstone? Lister: Maybe we've been alone in deep space too long, but every time I see that body, it drives me crazy. Is it me? Cat: Well, I think in all probability, Wilma Flintstone is the most desirable woman that ever lived. Lister: That's good. I thought I was going strange.

Cat: She's incredible! Lister: What d'ya think of Betty? Cat: Betty Rubble? Well, I would go with Betty Lister: This is crazy. Why are we talking about going to bed with Wilma Flintstone?

Cat: You're right. We're nuts. This is an insane conversation. Lister: She'll never leave Fred, and we know it. Re:Leela, all the way Score: 2. What about Ari from the Final Fantasy movie?

Where in God's name is Zap Brannigan! Score: 3 , Insightful. For all of us William Shatner, velour-wearing wannabes out there! Zoidberg, why not? I love Zoidberg. The butt of everyone's jokes. And he has one of my favorite speeches: "As the candy hearts poured into the fiery quasar a wondrous thing happened, why not? They vaporized, into a mystical love radiation that spread across the universe, destroying many, many planets, including 2 gangster planets and a cowboy world.

But one planet was exactly the right distance to see the romantic rays but not be destroyed by them: Earth. So all over the world couples stood together in joy, and me, Zoidburg, and no one could have been happier, unless it would have also been Valentine's day It was?

Zoidberg: Now open that mouth and lets have a look at that brain. Phillip Fry: I only have one mouth. Zoidberg: Really Phillip Fry: Uh Zoidberg: Now listen young lady, I know everthing there is about humans. The single best Futurama line ever was Amy Score: 5 , Interesting.


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