Why do people like brokencyde

No, I mean this in that I have a true undying passion for loathing these dudes. I suppose the general inspiration for this post was this past weekend in Ocean City, MD.

I was waiting for my car to be done in the shop I had taken it to, so my girlfriend and I were wasting time in the Wal-Mart it was adjoined to. I guess most of it had to do with the recent rape rumors floating around the scene for those unaware, a rumor that has since been proven false was dispensed online a few weeks ago that claimed the band was being held in New Mexico on drug, rape and child porn charges.

I talked about what a joke their lyrics were, how godawful the actual music they produced was, and how they were huge in their sub-genre, whatever the hell you want to classify their sub-genre as being, but that all only elicited this response:. Why do I care? Because the hatred this band receives is unlike any other band out there, and for an entirely different reason. For starters, the scene is dying.

The swoop hair, the neon t-shirts, and especially the pointless screaming, that all is on its way off of the mall-punk radar. My Chem was the go-to band for mall-punks, girls who wore a lot of eyeliner, and tweens alike — and the rest of the scene hated us for it. Scratch that. Most of the time, even with bands that seem generally disliked by the music community, you can see room for expansion.

Similar acts, like Millionaires, Breathe Carolina and Kreayshawn , had varying degrees of success by merging the proud sleaze of Jersey Shore with Hot Topic aesthetics. Even Hollywood Undead were melding hip-hop with scene screams on their early material, before they ended up crossing into rock radio by writing emotional ballads that dropped the crass schtick Brokencyde refused to turn off.

In the midst of all the nose-holding they received from the press, there was one L. Times article from that actually included a pointed and prescient critique. One where rappers get signed for their jokes first and their music second, and critics exhale shameless praise for once-despised acts like Skrillex and Limp Bizkit with the chaotic wink of the devil emoji. Sign In Create Account. The "crunkcore" pioneers were slated during their time in the spotlight, but gecs and other critical darlings of have a lot to thank them for.

If you were them you wouldn't want to be picked on now would you!? Get a life. Well to me it is. I'm sorry! Their music is like alcohol. You don't like it at first, but then u start getting used to it, and sooner or later u just can't get enough. BC13 bitchzzzzzzzz.

Get some crunkjuice. Get it. Drake says:. September 26, at am. August 10, at am. January 12, at pm. Songs with Funny Lyrics feat. Recent Comments Ayam Sirias on Name your band, create cover art and name your first album…randomly!


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