Why does my snowmobile bog

Both the primary and secondary have the proper stock springs. I was going to take the cabs off and clean them but thought I would get some opinions first. Does this sound like a carb issue. Dec 10, 74 31 18 The first place id go would be clutches. The clutches probably have never been serviced. Sounds like you have belt deflection set properly.

Check your primary,rollers and weight pins and weights, probably need to be replaced. Primary spring needs to be replaced. The spring sacks out with use and is probably shot. Next check your secondary clutch. Pull it apart and replace wore out or broken spring, also replace the buttons the helix rides on. Sometimes if the primary hasn't been serviced your better off replacing the entire cluth, they just plain and simply wear out!!!!!!!!! Good luck Tim. As for a carb issue, that is also possible.

Check throttle cables, you need to make sure that the carb slides are pulling up in sync with each other. Also check compression on your motor, you may have a cylinder going down or just wore out.

I will check these things. When I had the clutches apart for cleaning everything looked fine. As for the springs, I have never replaced them since I got the sled at miles and the sled has over miles on it now. I guess that would be a good place to start. With that many miles the clutch is probably shot. Also the cover bushing wears and binds the clutch. Its the the big bronze bushing in the center of the cover.

Look at these areas and see if they need to be addressed. Don't overlook the secondary clutch it needs to come apart to check the spring and to inspect the buttons. Im sure the buttons are completely gone and and the helix is wearing on the aluminum on the clutch. I just bought some new springs for the primary and the secondary. I had the clutches apart for cleaning a couple weeks ago and things actualy looked not bad.

The buttons in the secondary looked surprizingly good. I changed weights in the primary to the proper 10MB, it had 10M5. This helped with the performance a bit but not with the bog. I will check compressin and change the springs for starters and continue from there. Thanks for the help. Nov 26, 3, 1, Stayton Oregon. What are you comparing the bog to? These older piston port engines typically have a bog off the bottom versus a reed port engine.

Good luck eliminating as much of the bog as possible. I'm comparing to what the sled used to do. It had no problem spinning the track on take off before. Compression is on the pto side and on the mag side. Also did some checking on the oem belt. The OEM belt is suposed to be and the belt thats on it now is According to my research the isn't used on anything older than a Jul 3, 1, 83 Calgary.

Other than that they are the same with outer circumference of I'm not sure how much difference the angle makes but it could be your problem. I think the different angle would cause the belt to not grab the sheaves as hard as it is supposed to. Also have you checked the belt deflection 1. Is the center to center clutch distance okay as well as the offset?

What about belt side clearance in the primary? It should be right around. Lower hp sleds are fussier on clutching imo. Last edited: Dec 13, It was mentioned on another forum about possibly being the choke cables.

I did change the choke cables out near the end of last year and maybe they are not set properly. How do I check to see if they are. I've done it, years ago. You might check YouTube to see if there is a handy "how-to". Red River Pig Free Member. Feb 9, 7 0 1. Stomper, check for stuck bearings on the skid and drive axle, hyfax, and track clips.

Most likely your drive belt is worn out, thus high 'gear' take off. Haven't had the time to get the sled out for a test run yet to see if it is working. Hopefully in the next couple days. Mar 16, 93 21 8 Idaho. Perfectsmith perfectsmith. Posted: February I totally agree with L Pfaff comment on problem-solving but I want to ask you one thing: how long have you changed the tracks of your snowmobile?

If it's a long time ago, then you should probably change them to new ones, for example from the compositsnowmobiletracks company. I have been using them for several years and am generally satisfied. Fix Your Stuff Community Store. Back Answers Index. Snowmobile Snowmobiles are motorized vehicles designed for winter travel and recreation on snow. Lanny lanny3 Rep: 1. Answer this question I have this problem too Subscribed to new answers.

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