Why is sandra rinomato not
The people are always a few hundred thousand dollars off. WTF are they thinking? If I am looking for a house, I know exactly what price range the houses in the areas I would consider are. Property Virgins is with Sandra, she takes first time home buyers and shows them around until they are ready to buy. House Hunters is when the real estate agent takes a couple not necessarily first timers to 3 different homes and they pick one of the 3.
I'm sure in actuality they are shown more than 3. He knows what he's doing and he's helping people out who've been taken advantage of. She's wrapped so tight on the third pic that if you took a razor and sliced her dress a little she'd zoom away liked a popped balloon. Start New Topic. More Options. So all of the skills that I learned in retail, I came to use in real estate. With real estate , you wear many hats. The energy I get from working with people is what turns my crank — you know what I mean?
The producers were casting [for Property Virgins ]. They approached me to audition. And then they called me back for another audition. Really, I had very little to do with it. Doing TV is very different. But people really go into the houses. They really say those things. This is still real estate. I want to take her out when we start looking for houses this summer.
I love Sandra, I thought she was great on Property Virgins. I will miss her and wish her well in her future endeavors.
I hope someone from HGTV is reading this! Remember Designers Challenge with Chris Harrison?? They take away the things we love!!! I miss Chris, Suzanne and now Sandra will be missed. I loved that show so much! Thanks for the info!!! I did see the commercial and googled her and your blog came up first! Very cool! I hope her new show comes to the U. I will miss Sandra. HGTV hypes up some of there new shows and they are gone after a few months remember that one with Tatiana.
I love yard crashers. I will follow Sandra provided her new show gets picked up in the US. I too will be buying a home by myself so I am extremely interested in Buy Herself. I was wondering what happened when I saw the new commercials without Sandra. I hope her new show does well and is shown in the US.
It will be weird to get used to someone else in that role. Change however is inevitable so I am anxious to continue watching property virgins with its new host. Best of luck Egypt. So sorry to see that Sandra is gone. Have not yet seen the new version but it does not sound too exciting. I wish Sandra was still on PV. Hope her new show will be shown in the states. I miss Sandra!!!
The show has lost that special, warm charm that I always loved. Very sad. Bring her back! Egypt is a good replacement. It took me years for Sandra to grow on me. I did finally come to like her and appreciate her real estate savvy. Oh no! My husband and I loved Sandra Rinamato! Hope her new show is carried by Verizon where we live DC area. I will truly miss Sandra.
I think that she was great. She seemed to genuinely care for the people who were having difficulty understanding the buying process, obtaining the house of their dreams, or making up their minds on a house. She was very pleasant, professional, and came across as a sincere human being.
Bring her new show to US. I,like so many, watched the show Property Virgins,because Sandra was the host. We really liked your plain talk and no-nonsense approach.
Hope to see your new show! As a Real Estate agent, I really liked the show and Sandra. She gave the advice I give first time home buyers. It was the most realistic. The new show is missing something. I just found out tonight and came across your post after some quick research. I am truly sorry to see Sandra leave. I have enjoyed her smile and warmth.
I hope we can catch her new show. I loved property virgins and thought sandra made the show, i sure will miss her, hope her new show gets on hgtv here in the states! I miss you Sandra. You brought positivity and great information to viewers.
Good Luck. I see hope our new show is aired in the US so we can see your smiling face again. I will miss you too Sandra. You were my favorite HGTV host because you are so natural and straightforward on screen. Your interactions with clients never seemed forced or fake.
I hope that your new show is picked up in the US! I loved Sandra in this show! I think she is a poor substitute. Sandra was the reason I watched. She is who I would want as my realtor.
The friend suggested instead of selling java, she get her real estate license. And just like that, she did. She began her real estate career in a prestigious area of Etobicoke, noting she got lucky getting into the industry at a time when the market was good. In a sink or swim industry, Rinomato quickly established herself, relying on her people skills, especially during open houses.
For seven seasons, Rinomato crisscrossed the continent coaching first-time homebuyers through the process of buying a home. The series focused on single women who were buy their first home. Rinomato was blindsided by the success of Property Virgins, admitting when she was originally asked to take part, she wondered why anyone would want to watch a show about her day-to-day job. While Rinomato considers her turn on TV a blessing, it was also a lot of work.
By , she was feeling burned out and ready to take a step away from media. I love that every day is different, every client is different, every property is different, every negotiation is different, I love the people contact and I feed off their energy. And I do love being able to share my knowledge and expertise with people. Because when I go to a professional, I know I really benefit when they are knowledgeable.
What are some of the key pieces of advice you give to a client, especially a first-time homebuyer when you meet them for the first time? The most important thing is to communicate and be honest. That includes being honest with yourself and create a little bit of a plan. Understand your plan might go off the rails at some point, but if you have a plan you can proceed toward your goal. Recognize that this is a big deal.