Why strobe light on school bus

The law requires bus drivers to activate the lights in "adverse atmospheric and visibility conditions" like fog, blizzards and smoke.

The Ontario Ministry of Transportation said roof-mounted strobe lamps on school buses are not required, nor are they prohibited, by the Ontario Highway Traffic Act. Ministry spokesman Bob Nichols said the lamps are voluntarily installed by the bus operator. The lights must comply with national school bus equipment standards, but there are no rules in Ontario about how or when they are to be used by the driver.

Q: Is part of the Welland Canal Parkway being shut down again this winter for canal work? If so, when? A: Parts of the road will be closed to traffic for the next four winters as the St. Lawrence Seaway Management Corp. Last year, work was done on the tie-up wall below Lock 2. This winter, the tie-up wall above Lock 2 will be rehabilitated and reconstructed. Operational services manager Alvina Ghirardi said that work will lead to a road closure between Eastchester Ave.

The company will work full out until March 18, when the parkway will be opened again. Ghirardi said next year, the Lock 1 upper wall will be fixed and the following year, the Lock 3 upper wall will be under construction. In the final year, workers will tackle the Lock 3 lower wall. Here are some additional reminders with school just around the corner: State law requires all vehicles to stop for school buses when the bus driver activates the flashing lights and has the crossing arm fully extended.

Drivers can face criminal charges for passing a school bus on the right, passing when a child is outside the bus, or injuring or killing a child.

Motorists Motorists must stop at least 20 feet from a school bus that is displaying red flashing lights or a stop arm when approaching from the rear and from the opposite direction on undivided roads. Motorists should slow down, pay attention and anticipate school children and buses, especially in neighborhoods and school zones. The best way to be aware of your surroundings at all times is to put the distractions away.

Students When getting off a bus, look to be sure no cars are passing on the shoulder. One of the questions she asked each state to answer was whether the state required school buses to be equipped with strobe lights on the tops of buses.

The tentative list of states that require strobe lights is: Alaska, Arkansas, California, Georgia, and Iowa. In North Dakota, all buses manufactured after July 31, will be equipped with strobe lights. The final report should be available in about two months and OLR will be receiving a copy.

Strobe Required. Strobe Optional. New Hampshire:. New Jersey:.


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