Associate degree how many credit hours
Seeing as one course is usually around three credits, this requirement is equivalent to approximately 20 college courses. Therefore, if you're currently enrolled in a four-year bachelor's program, and you've already completed these many credit hours, then it's likely you're eligible for your associate'a while you continue with the remainder of your studies.
In general, an associate's degree is earned after taking a certain number of courses in different areas. That being said, depending on what field you're focused on and which degree you're trying to earn for example, an Associate's in Arts, Associate's in Science, Associate's in Applied Science , your courses may vary a little bit. The objective of an associate's degree is to provide the student with the basic knowledge and technical skills that they can transfer to employment or use to continue on with their education, and typically, these are referred to as "general education" or "gen-ed" courses.
The main focus of your associate's program will be courses in the core areas: communication, social sciences, humanities and natural sciences and mathematics. Some students, such as those who are pursuing an associate's degree in applied sciences, will sometimes take a fewer number of credits in the core areas and more credits in a technical area. If you pursue a bachelor's degree, you'll have to take these gen-eds at some point as well.
Today, there are many places to enroll in a program to obtain your associate's degree. Community colleges, technical schools, junior colleges, affiliated branches of colleges and universities and even some four-year institutions offer associate degree programs.
Of course, you can also get an associate's degree online, as many colleges offer distance learning programs. Or you can do a mix of on-site and distance learning classes. Associate's degrees are pretty unique to the United States, but they do exist in some other countries, like Canada and Hong Kong.
Therefore, if you're interested in going abroad for school, then you'll likely need to pursue a bachelor's degree.
Luckily, school tuition is generally much more affordable in other countries than the United States, and you can sometimes get a bachelor's abroad for the same price as an associate's in the U. If you want to enroll in an associate's program and community college, there are several qualifications you'll have to meet first. Some colleges also ask for reference letters as well as a college essay with your application. While that may sound like a lot, many community colleges have open admissions, so you can theoretically walk in and apply at any time.
In order to graduate from community college, you need to have obtained enough credits to earn your degree, so you must know the associate's degree requirements. If you graduate, it means that you have taken the required number of credit hours necessary. If you don't complete the required credit hours, then you cannot earn your associate's degree, and you can't graduate from community college. Of course, in addition to obtaining the required amount of credit hours, you may also need to fulfill other requirements in order to graduate from community college.
In most cases, you'll need to make sure you've paid your tuition in full, or that you have at least signed off on all of your loans. B Applied Associate Degree Program--A grouping of courses designed to lead the individual directly to employment in a specific career and that includes at least sixty 60 semester credit hours and not more than seventy-two 72 semester credit hours or ninety 90 quarter credit hours and not more than one hundred eight quarter hours.
An applied associate degree must include at least fifteen 15 semester credit hours or twenty-three 23 quarter credit hours of general education courses. A A Certificate of Authorization for an institution offering degrees or courses leading to degrees at a physical location in Texas will be issued for the period of time in the institution's current grant of accreditation by its Board-recognized accreditor.
B A Certificate of Authorization may be issued as provisional for a month temporary exemption from certain identified regulations in this subchapter based on its main campus' accreditation while seeking final approval for the new Texas-based campus from its Board-recognized accreditor and the Texas Workforce Commission.
C An out-of-state institution may be issued a renewable one-year Certificate of Authorization in order to allow students to complete experiential learning experiences in Texas. A The ownership or control of a career school or college or postsecondary educational institution is considered to have changed: i in the case of ownership by an individual, when more than fifty 50 percent of the institution has been sold or transferred; ii in the case of ownership by a partnership or a corporation, when more than fifty 50 percent of the institution or of the owning partnership or corporation has been sold or transferred; or iii when the board of directors, officers, shareholders, or similar governing body has been changed to such an extent as to significantly alter the management and control of the institution.
B A change of ownership or control does not include a transfer that occurs as a result of the retirement or death of the owner if transfer is to a member of the owner's family who has been directly and constantly involved in the management of the institution for a minimum of two years preceding the transfer.
That usually equals four or five classes, each offering three credit hours. Enrolling in six credit hours two 3-credit-hour classes in the summer is also considered full-time status. If you decide to attend Oklahoma City Community College part time taking fewer than 12 to 15 credit hours per semester in the fall and spring semesters , then earning your associate degree will take longer, depending on how many college classes you complete each semester.
In addition to two types of associate degree programs, Oklahoma City Community College offers many technical certificate or professional certificate programs for students who:. Find Your Way Around. What is an associate degree? An associate degree from Oklahoma Community College OCCC requires completion of 60 semester credit hours minimum , including: General education classes, essentially the same at most colleges or universities in Oklahoma, including writing, math, science and history courses.
College classes specific to your major or associate degree program.