Teas that can induce labor

Some experts advise against drinking it. If you do consume the tea, do so after 32 weeks of pregnancy and in moderation. Red raspberry leaf tea is an herbal tea made from the leaves of the raspberry plant.

The tea has been used throughout history for medicinal purposes, particularly for uterine and pregnancy health. Some women also drink it to help induce labor, although there's no evidence this works. Overall, research on raspberry leaf tea is scarce. The few studies that do exist aren't large enough to prove that the tea is helpful during pregnancy or labor, or to discount possible negative side effects. There's no evidence that red raspberry leaf tea actually induces labor, but it's possible that consuming a lot of the tea at once could lead to intense contractions that distress your baby.

It could also make you feel sick or give you diarrhea. It's best not to drink a lot of raspberry leaf tea in one go, either earlier in pregnancy or to try to kick-start labor. Some doctors and midwives advise against taking anything that could interfere with labor, especially if, like raspberry leaf tea, it hasn't been well studied.

If you do want to try it, you could sip a little of the tea during early labor or at the hospital or birth center. Don't drink the tea if your labor is being induced, as the compounds in the tea could interfere with the induction process. It's unknown whether red raspberry leaf tea is completely safe, because of the lack of research. Some experts recommend avoiding the tea completely along with many other herbal supplements during pregnancy, because there's not enough evidence to prove that it's safe or beneficial.

If you do decide to drink red raspberry leaf tea, it's recommended you don't start until around 32 weeks of pregnancy, and that you only drink it in moderation. It's best to avoid drinking the tea during the first trimester.

Some experts worry the stimulating effects of the tea on the uterus could cause a miscarriage early in pregnancy. While a couple of small studies found no safety concerns among pregnant women who consumed raspberry leaf in tea or tablet form during pregnancy, a recent analysis of 74 published studies on herbal medicine use in pregnancy found that raspberry leaf consumption was associated with higher risk of cesarean delivery.

Another study found an association between the herb and gastrointestinal complaints during pregnancy such as diarrhea, constipation, nausea, bloating, vomiting and heartburn. It's possible raspberry leaf tea may also be problematic for women with gestational diabetes. One published case study showed an association between consuming the tea and reduced blood sugar in a woman with the disorder. But another study of compounds in raspberry leaf found they may be helpful for diabetes, including gestational diabetes.

In summary, there's no clear evidence of benefits or problems with drinking raspberry leaf tea during pregnancy. If you decide to drink red raspberry leaf tea, it's recommended to start around 32 weeks of pregnancy with just one cup a day. You could gradually increase this to two or possibly three cups a day or the equivalent in tablet form. Don't drink the tea during your first trimester. Stop drinking the tea if you start getting strong Braxton Hicks contractions , or any other side effects.

It's a good idea to talk to your doctor or midwife before taking any herbal supplement during pregnancy, including red raspberry tea. BabyCenter's editorial team is committed to providing the most helpful and trustworthy pregnancy and parenting information in the world.

When creating and updating content, we rely on credible sources: respected health organizations, professional groups of doctors and other experts, and published studies in peer-reviewed journals. We believe you should always know the source of the information you're seeing. Learn more about our editorial and medical review policies. Herbal Tea and Pregnancy.

American Pregnancy Association. Cheang, K. Ferlemi, A. Holst, L. Also, for pregnant people who have sex with men, there are prostaglandin hormones in semen that might help ripen the cervix. Doing so can increase your risk for infection. Stimulating your nipples can cause your uterus to contract and may bring about labor.

Nipple stimulations stimulate oxytocin production. Oxytocin is the hormone that causes the uterus to contract and the breast to eject milk. In fact, if you choose to breastfeed your baby right after delivery, this same stimulation is what will help your uterus shrink back to its original size. You or your partner may manually stimulate your nipples, or you can try using a breast pump.

Solid research shows that breast stimulation can be an effective way to:. Acupuncture has been used for thousands of years. The exact way that acupuncture works is unclear. It might also stimulate changes in hormones or in the nervous system.

In a randomized trial in Denmark, more than women were given acupuncture, membrane stripping, or both procedures before labor. According to research , the main benefit of acupuncture is increased cervical ripening. Some practitioners believe that acupressure can help start labor. Prior to applying acupressure to yourself, make sure you get proper instruction from a trained acupressure professional.

Drinking a little bit, like only 1—2 ounces There are no labor-inducing foods that are consistently backed by research. Among the rumored foods that can induce labor are dates, spicy food, pineapple, castor oil and evening primrose, but some can produce side effects such as gastrointestinal discomfort like cramping.

The list of strategies for inducing labor naturally ranges in success and with generally no research support. Due to the unique features of each pregnancy, it is important to refer to a professional prior to implementing natural labor inducers. Professionals are still learning what triggers the start of labor, but with the idea of biological communication from baby to mother signaling that labor needs to occur.

New research points to the role of telomeres—part of the DNA—that enter the amniotic fluid as part of a signal to start labor. Other professionals point to the role of hormones as a trigger to initiate labor. The exact reason for why labor begins is not always known. Although the belief that an enzyme found in pineapple—bromelain—can initiate labor by softening the cervix, no research supports the claim. Do These 9 Foods Induce Labor?

Black Licorice Because black licorice contains the chemical glycyrrhizin, it can stimulate the production of prostaglandins. Spicy Foods Spicy foods make the list because they are known to stimulate the digestive system. Garlic One of the most popular foods for inducing labor and killing romance , garlic stimulates the bowels.

Castor Oil Yes, this really is as disgusting as it sounds. Green Papaya The enzyme Papin is abundant in raw green papayas. Cumin Tea Cumin is a natural and common way to regulate your digestive tract.


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