What do books have that mexicans dont
I will say that the murder of George Floyd was a reckoning for corporate America—including the media, in terms of how they portray and how they cover different communities—and I think things have accelerated not only for the African American community after that but also for the Latino community, and hopefully others as well. But there are some that are succeeding and committed to change more than others.
And, talking about data, tell us about the two reports on the underrepresentation of Latinos that the Government Accountability Office will issue. Can you share any of its main findings with us? I think there are individuals in Hollywood who are individually progressive, but the system as a whole is actually quite regressive, and pretty conservative. And Hollywood is actually very exclusionary. And what can we expect from the report that will come out in the spring of next year?
What will you be looking at? Why in the world would I ask the people I represent to subsidize their own exclusion by giving you a tax break? But, at the end of the day, as you pointed out, underrepresentation comes with a cost. I mean, I remember seeing this report that U. And so, in addition to the importance of data, accountability, transparency, and the way those can lead to change, as you pointed out, I think there are also very important incentives that ought to be addressed.
Right, right. There was another interesting report , I think, that McKinsey put out, and it put a figure on the loss that studios were incurring for the lack of Black talent, and I think it was around ten billion dollars, which is just insane. I recently came across a beautiful, beautiful piece written by Hilton Als , in the nineties, in which he argues that the subject of Blackness has taken a strange and unsatisfying journey through American thought, because Blackness has almost always had to explain itself to a largely white audience in order to be heard, and because it has generally been assumed to have only one story to tell.
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Even in a polarized era, the survey reveals deep divisions in both partisan coalitions. Use this tool to compare the groups on some key topics and their demographics. Pew Research Center now uses as the last birth year for Millennials in our work. President Michael Dimock explains why. About Pew Research Center Pew Research Center is a nonpartisan fact tank that informs the public about the issues, attitudes and trends shaping the world.
It conducts public opinion polling, demographic research, media content analysis and other empirical social science research. Pew Research Center does not take policy positions. It is a subsidiary of The Pew Charitable Trusts. The Mexican government has made great strides, reducing illiteracy to less than 8 percent, compared with around 20 percent two decades ago, placing it leagues ahead of Central American countries and even beyond Latin America's other economic powerhouse, Brazil.
Yet it has had little success encouraging active reading. Reading-stimulation programs have mostly failed. An experimental library in the Mexico City subway last year was shuttered after most of the books were stolen. Which is why, says Ramon Cifuentes, director of book distributor Colofon, the publishing industry must do something.
In the past five years, large bookstores have pushed for lower wholesale prices - in some cases demanding discounts of more than 60 percent - in return for bigger orders.
With that purchasing leverage, big bookstores can undercut prices at small stores, driving them out of business. Publishers, meanwhile, artificially inflate wholesale prices to make up for the deep discounts the big stores demand. The result is a shrinking pool of bookstores offering fewer titles at a higher price.
Moreover, price variations among bookstores can be huge. Price fixing, say proponents, would help reduce wholesale prices across the board. Currently, bestsellers are relatively cheap, but prices for less popular books are sky high. It's a system that's been successfully employed in a dozen countries in Europe, notably France and Spain, both of which suffered from bookstore closures before installing fixed prices. In both cases, the publishing industries enjoyed huge growth.
Without them, there would be no variety, no specialization," Alfonso Otero, director of Fuentetaja, a bookstore in Madrid, says by phone.
But, some argue, the European countries already had a public predisposed to reading. Although more titles and lower prices would certainly appeal to current readers, he doubts they'll create new ones.
Moreover, there is a serious question about the legality of industry-imposed fixed prices.