When is tales of xillia coming out

The Tales series is a great rpg series that could really take off in the West given the right amount of press coverage. I just want to express my gratitude to everyone at Sony and Namco Bandai involved in Tales of Xillia and hopefully in future titles to come.

If the Tales series continues to come to the West steadily, you can be sure I will continue to support both Sony and Namco Bandai as well. This has the stink of sockpuppets all over it.

What would be better is something more akin to Phantasy star or Star Ocean style games. Speaking of which. Why not also approach sega to bring some Phantasy Star on PS3 and also for the game starved Vita fans?

PS3 gamers deserve better. Jeff I seriously want to commend your interview skills recently. We use cookies to personalise your experience and ads on this website and other websites. For more information, visit our Cookie information opens in a new window page. Skip to content Skip to cookie notice. Like this Share this on Facebook opens in a new window Share this on Twitter opens in a new window.

Jeff Rubenstein Sr. Social Media Manager. Share this story Share this on Facebook opens in a new window Share this on Twitter opens in a new window. Comments are closed. Newer comments. Gigidy17 July 20, at am PDT. Slade6alpha July 20, at am PDT. This makes me feel great, especially after the Versus 13 cancellation rumor.

More Tales games! Destiny89 July 20, at am PDT. Thank you once again for bringing this game over and cannot wait to get my hands on it:. I will make sure that NB sees this post and your comments. Shut up and rape my wallet. You forgot to ask the most important question: Will there be Japanese VO with english subtitles?

Day 1 cant wait. Christian July 20, at am PDT. Knew this ages ago, but bless the Blog for promoting it anyhow. Ehahneli July 20, at am PDT. Jeff Yeah, I noticed that after I commented… great editing system we have here on the blog. Looks sweet. Will we see a demo before launch? We would love to play it! Consider me Pre-ordered on Amazon. Thank you Namco Bandai. Sparkz92 July 20, at am PDT. Dustinwp July 20, at am PDT. Take note Square-Enix! Beautiful art style.

Teflon02 July 20, at am PDT. I honestly could not get into tales of graces f. This however looks better!!! Being a Tales fan is tedious because of how Namco handles it. Akimitsu July 20, at am PDT.

Sephir July 20, at am PDT. Have they stated a release date yet? Will it be this year or next? That would be a solid profit maker. Would love to play as Lloyd and the gang again. Still my favorite title in the series to this day, that one. Hi I really like this game and the tales of series and I am really looking forward to tales of Xillia. So I will like to know with witch DLC this edition will come. How about some of the Vita Tales games? It would be nice to see a release of either Innocence or Hearts.

I can finally just shelve my physical copy, and finish the game digitally. Convenience for me. Top notch, amazing game, really glad that you guys are localizing the series again, the Tales games are some of my favourite titles. I guess the Tales games on Vita would be pretty cool for a surprise too, but I am just happy to finally have a release for Xilia.

Please keep it up! In any case, keep up the good work. PlayStation store please get Digimon card battle, Digimon World 1,2,3. Series has a LOT that can be done to keep it relevant in the west. Will Namco do it? We can only hope! That right there is 6 games, 6 games that gamers have wanted for so long now. Please, Namco, allow us to give you our money in exchange for those awesome titles.

How about localizing the. I was hoping to see Tales of Graces f come out on the PS3. Oh gosh! This is awesome! This is great news, going to be definitely purchasing this. Day 1 for Tales of Xillia! We use cookies to personalise your experience and ads on this website and other websites. For more information, visit our Cookie information opens in a new window page. Skip to content Skip to cookie notice.

Like this Share this on Facebook opens in a new window Share this on Twitter opens in a new window. Gamers around the world may be united by a common passion, but that doesn't mean we all play the same things. Take a look at the 30 best selling games of in Japan.

Check out how they fight together co-operatively. A new trailer and screenshots for the next 'Tales of' game, Tales of Xillia, have been released. Tags Tales of Xillia. GR Originals. Hunter Mass Sep 5,


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